Friday, February 5, 2010


Hello everyone! Well, today is a great day in one respect: my dear husband has been out of town all week and got home last night! I am so grateful for him! We were talking this morning about how the death of a child tears up many marriages and how easy it would be to succumb to that pressure. I feel closer to him than ever and again, I thank God for him every day.

Many of you have asked about Courtney's foot. She fractured her ankle badly about two weeks ago at basketball practice. She had played her first game the previous day. It was quite a bummer. On the team one day, out for the remainder of the season the next day. She is beginning to heal slowly. She tried to do without her crutches yesterday at school for the first time. It's difficult, but she would rather do that slowly than deal with the bruises under her arms from the crutches. She went to the trainers at school yesterday and they started working the foot and ankle. Poor baby, she was in SO MUCH pain when she got home. But, again today, she went without the crutches and says she will see the trainers after school.

Tomorrow is little Monroe's birthday. He turns 9 and we are talking about trying to take him skiing. Caroline has an 8am basketball game and then we'll see. It's all he wants to do for his birthday, so maybe so. The girls will stay here and maybe bake him a cake while his daddy and I take him. Y'all pray that I don't break any bones! Your prayers worked last time!

Those of you who know me well know that music is a big deal to me. I love to listen to music and sing my heart out in the car, around the house, and the girls are often embarrassed by their poor mother dancing around or singing in the car. Since McKenzie passed away, it has been no different. Right now, I am crying through Steven Curtis Chapman's "Cinderella" and I was reminded a few minutes ago by Miley Cyrus that life is all about "The Climb". George Strait reminded me yesterday that life is all about the moments that take your breath away. I even related Wednesday to Michael Jackson's "She's out of my life". But, as I've been unpacking some boxes this week that contain most of McKenzie's books and many of her photo albums, I hear the song "Memory" from Cats. Always a favorite, it reminds me that I must wait for the sunlight to break in. "in the lamplight, the withered leaves collect at my feet." I feel like it's midnight. All alone in the moonlight, I can smile at the old days. I was beautiful then. I remember a time I knew what happiness was. Let the memory live again. I musn't give in. When the dawn comes, "tonight will be a memory, too". Soon it will be morning and a new day will begin. Touch me, it's so easy to leave me all alone with the memory of my days in the sun. If you touch me, you'll understand what happiness is. Look a new day has begun. I look through pictures and it seems that only for a moment, our lives were perfect. The children were so innocent. They knew nothing of the pain they feel now. I know God will use it to shape them and they are already such different people if you look in their eyes. The move is like a new day, a new beginning. It's not one I welcome, though, because nothing here reminds me of the good old days when I had McKenzie healthy and whole. Or at least the days when I didn't know how sick she was. She is a beautiful memory. Thank you for not leaving me all alone with the memory of my days in the sun... I will share with you happy times, soon, I promise. You must know that my only true joy comes from Jesus and the family I've been given. Monday marks the two month anniversary of McKenzie's passing and ironically enough would have been her 5th birthday. Each one of our family will really need your prayers on Monday. Thank you!

Okay, two new songs: We are Family- the Jordan Pruitt version. Our family theme song as claimed by me a long time ago. And Toes by the Zac Brown Band- I love that song! It reminds me that I will have my toes in the water and my *** in the sand in only two short weeks! I'm heading to Hawaii for our biggest blessing, the annual work trip. Not a worry in the world exists there, cold drink in my hand surrounded by good friends. We are even taking the children this year as I don't know how I would leave them behind here in Salt Lake. Life is good today! And I will leave you with this: Adios and Vaya con Dios! Love to you all! Jeri


  1. I like your new blog. See you tonight.

  2. Hey, Jeri -- Thank you for putting words to things for which there are none, or few, at least. I am envying your trip to Hawaii. Have a wonderful, wonderful time. I hope the children really enjoy it, too. Love, Amy

  3. Jeri, welcome to the blogspot world. I have had a blog for years, its as much a journal for me as somee things to others may be very boring. my blog is

    Thanks for sharing your feelings and letting others in on your life. Talk to you soon. Julie
