Monday, March 8, 2010


Hello everyone! I titled my entry today "Hope". I think I might actually be feeling a little bit of that today! I am thinking of all the things I want to do around the house before our guests come this month. I am getting a little excited about things coming up in the near future. That is just not like me over the last three months. So God is hearing your prayers and giving me a little sunshine both inside and out. Now I don't promise that every day will be like this, but whose life is all sunshine, right?
We had lots of fun in Hawaii. I will post a couple pictures. It was beautiful weather and we saw so much while we were there. There was that little tsunami scare our last day there, but that just ended the trip with a little excitement. Nothing ended up happening and that was good. God again answered prayer and we were safe.
I head out tomorrow on a bus trip with Courtney's orchestra group. We are traveling to California for a spring musical workshop at Disneyland. Then we get to stop by Las Vegas to see the Lion King at the Mandalay Bay Casino on the way home. Sounds like fun, right? Well, we'll see. Sleeping overnight two nights on the bus with a group of students I don't know? I am questioning my own sanity, but I wouldn't miss it for the world!
Well, my lunch is warmed up in the microwave. I've got lots of miles to cover! Talk to you soon. With love, Jeri