Thursday, April 16, 2009

Well, I hit a wall today. I wanted to quit. But quitting is not an option! I must keep going as long as there is breath in me. I am not the woman in my group who is having financial challenges, I am financially blessed. I am not the woman I met recently who lost 3 out of 4 children in a car accident, all my children are alive and mostly well. I am not the woman whose husband took his last breath yesterday morning, my husband is alive and well and on his way home! I am so blessed! I give it all to you, God. You are in charge of my leadership, my marriage, my children, and of all that I do. Order my days, manage my time, remind me not to waste any, and remind me to exercise.

Monday, April 13, 2009

I must believe!

I must believe that God will sell our house and get us to Salt Lake City. Many obstacles must be overcome before we get there. I believe that if I put God first in my life that He will wipe away every obstacle. A question in my Bible Study today asked what would I do if I knew I only had one week left to live. Part of my answer is that I would write. I would write about my life so that I would not forget and that my children would not forget either. This blog is part of that response. Last year, I was faithful in journaling through McKenzie's illness on her website. I want to be faithful in journaling through this next step of faith. I am beginning right now!